2025 is a critical year for Australia’s forests. Help us make it count. Sign the petition to save our trees and save our future.
URGENT: Great Koala National Park at risk!
The NSW Government promised a Great Koala National Park—but will it deliver? Right now, there’s a real danger the promised park could be downsized. We want the full protection of the park, including an estimated 12,000+ koalas and many other endangered and threatened species. It’s not just about wildlife, it’s about communities too. By protecting our native forests and transitioning to sustainable plantations, the NSW Government could create 15% more jobs for timber workers and meet the rising demand for timber. An 'okay' park isn't good enough. Koalas and communities need a GREAT park. Act now to demand full protection, sign our petition today!
Trees are a life-giving and climate balancing force of nature. Yet, they are being bulldozed at unfathomable rates in Australia. Stopping deforestation and industrial native forest logging is crucial. Mature trees have incredible abilities that young saplings simply don’t. They are homes and shelters of many threatened species and absorb and lock away far more carbon from the atmosphere than younger trees can.
In 2023, you helped us suspend logging in Tallaganda State Forest after an Endangered greater glider was found deceased just 50 metres from the logging site. Now, your voice could help end native forest logging in NSW and across Australia.
Together, we can help Australia become a global leader in tree protection and restoration, securing a healthy future for communities, climate, wildlife and planet.
Why now?
2025 is a defining year for forest conservation and sustainable forestry in Australia. The establishment of the Great Koala National Park could provide a vital refuge for koalas and other endangered species, protecting critical habitats and boosting local economies through eco-tourism.
The NSW Forest Industry Action Plan has the potential to be a transformative step for NSW’s timber industry. It could provide a fair and just plan to support over 14,000 workers transition to more innovative and sustainable practices to help the timber industry align with conservation priorities.
If successful, these initiatives could demonstrate that environmental and economic priorities can coexist, setting a powerful example for the future. Australia has the potential to become a world leader in sustainable tree management and conservation, but to get there, we need your help.
Sign the petition and show your support to save our trees and our future.
URGENT: Great Koala National Park at risk!
The NSW Government promised a Great Koala National Park—but will it deliver? Right now, there’s a real danger the promised park could be downsized. We want the full protection of the park, including an estimated 12,000+ koalas and many other endangered and threatened species. It’s not just about wildlife, it’s about communities too. By protecting our native forests and transitioning to sustainable plantations, the NSW Government could create 15% more jobs for timber workers and meet the rising demand for timber. An 'okay' park isn't good enough. Koalas and communities need a GREAT park. Act now to demand full protection, sign our petition today!
Trees are a life-giving and climate balancing force of nature. Yet, they are being bulldozed at unfathomable rates in Australia. Stopping deforestation and industrial native forest logging is crucial. Mature trees have incredible abilities that young saplings simply don’t. They are homes and shelters of many threatened species and absorb and lock away far more carbon from the atmosphere than younger trees can.
In 2023, you helped us suspend logging in Tallaganda State Forest after an Endangered greater glider was found deceased just 50 metres from the logging site. Now, your voice could help end native forest logging in NSW and across Australia.
Together, we can help Australia become a global leader in tree protection and restoration, securing a healthy future for communities, climate, wildlife and planet.
Why now?
2025 is a defining year for forest conservation and sustainable forestry in Australia. The establishment of the Great Koala National Park could provide a vital refuge for koalas and other endangered species, protecting critical habitats and boosting local economies through eco-tourism.
The NSW Forest Industry Action Plan has the potential to be a transformative step for NSW’s timber industry. It could provide a fair and just plan to support over 14,000 workers transition to more innovative and sustainable practices to help the timber industry align with conservation priorities.
If successful, these initiatives could demonstrate that environmental and economic priorities can coexist, setting a powerful example for the future. Australia has the potential to become a world leader in sustainable tree management and conservation, but to get there, we need your help.
Sign the petition and show your support to save our trees and our future.
The Scorecard
The race is on! WWF’s first national Trees Scorecard reveals how Australia’s governments are performing when it comes to protecting and restoring trees.
Find out what actions your state or territory needs to take to improve its score.
Our Mission
Together we can save and grow Two Billion Trees by 2030.
We aim to take Australia from a deforestation to a reforestation nation and work with communities to protect and regenerate vital landscapes and species.
We All Need Trees
Our well-being. Our communities. Our wildlife. Our planet. We all need trees.
Hear real stories about how trees benefit people from all walks of life.
Why do we need to save trees in Australia?
More than one tree is bulldozed every second in Australia.
Find out why and what we can do about it.