Help protect our precious animals and the places they call home. 

Our precious wildlife and the places they call home are in serious trouble.

We are at a critical moment. Many of our most loved animals are on the brink of extinction.

Animals like our east coast koalas, platypus and glossy black cockatoos need your help before they disappear forever.

Today you can help protect habitats, support a stable climate and halt the loss of animals.

Your gift can help safeguard and protect the wild places that animals and humans need to survive and thrive into the future. Please help today.

Here are some of the ways you can help:

Koala lays on hospital bed under general anesthetic


could help increase capacity of wildlife hospitals so more injured animals survive.

An AirSeed Technologies drone that can plant up to 40 000 seeds a day


could help replant large areas of forest using innovative drone seeding technology.

Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) with a plastic bag, Moore Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The bag was removed by the photographer before the turtle had a chance to eat it.


could help support advocacy work to create a national network of whale, dolphin and marine turtle sanctuaries and parks.

Aerial panorama of rainforest and rugged cliffs. Springbrook National Park, Queensland, Australia


could help push for stronger national laws to protect habitat and prevent unsustainable logging.