18 May 2022


Our Australian wildlife needs your support.

Add your voice to demand urgent global action to protect and restore nature.

Today is Endangered Species Day, and to commemorate we reached out to five Australian-based artists to help us raise awareness. Some of our most iconic species face an uncertain future and it’s up to every one of us to do our part to make a difference.

Cutie koala
© Maku Fenaroli

"Cutie Koala". Illustrated by Maku Fenaroli.

This Endangered Species Day marks a sombre reality - it's the first year koalas on the east coast join a growing list of Australian endangered species. From excessive deforestation, devastating bushfires and drought, to severe floods wiping out precious habitat and disease, koalas are at risk of extinction on the east coast. WWF-Australia is working to bring koalas back from the brink and double their numbers by 2050. To do this, we are investing in bold and innovative projects to restore habitat, protect koalas against disease and ensure Australia’s most iconic species has a chance to not only survive, but thrive.

Brush-tailed bettong
© Dannica Shultz

"Brush-tailed bettong". Illustrated by Dannica Shultz.

Also known as woylies in Western Australia, the Critically Endangered brush-tailed bettong plays an important role in the natural ecosystem. These ‘soil engineers’ move seeds and organic material around which helps improve soil health. Sadly, brush-tailed bettong populations became locally extinct on Yorke Peninsula more than 100 years ago and only a few wild populations remain. WWF-Australia supported the reintroduction of 40 pioneering brush-tailed bettongs to Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park on Yorke Peninsula in August 2021 through our Marna Bangarra rewilding project. In exciting news, the next generation of Yorke Peninsula brush-tailed bettongs has already arrived and things are looking up for the species!

Kangaroo Island Dunnart
© Joanna Hubbard

"Kangaroo-Island Dunnart". Illustrated by Joanna Hubbard.

The dunnart may be small, but this mouse-sized marsupial is an important part of ecosystems around Australia. This illustration in particular is of one of 19 dunnart species, the Kangaroo Island dunnart. This species of dunnart is native to Kangaroo Island, but threats of predation and drought over recent years have drastically reduced their numbers to endangered status. The devastating summer bushfires of 2019/20 wiped out over 90% of the Kangaroo Island dunnart’s habitat, and there were fears for the survival of the species. WWF-Australia has been able to support the recovery of the Kangaroo Island dunnart through our Eyes on Recovery project. With the support of Google.org, Google’s philanthropic arm, we’ve installed sensor cameras and shelter tunnels to help monitor and safeguard the Kangaroo Island dunnart as they recover.

Orange-Bellied Parrots in Flight
© Sarah Allen

"Orange-Bellied Parrots in Flight". Illustrated by Sarah Allen.

Did you know the orange-bellied parrot was WWF-Australia’s first ever conservation project? Way back in 1979, conservationists tracked the parrots breeding range to understand how we could help increase population numbers. These colourful native birds were once found widespread along Australia’s cold, coastal climates, but degradation and loss of habitat has left the species Critically Endangered. With the help of our supporters, WWF-Australia has been working to protect native species like the orange-bellied parrot for more than 40 years. We’re calling on governments around the world to urgently protect biodiversity and restore nature - add your voice here and help safeguard the future of Australian wildlife.

Perilous Journey
© Beau Pennefather Motlop BPM

"Perilous Journey". Illustrated by Beau Pennefather Motlop BPM.

Australia is lucky enough to support the largest remaining green and hawksbill turtle breeding populations in the world, off the northern Great Barrier Reef. But every day, turtles are threatened by pollution, plastic waste and marine debris, losing their nesting beaches to coastal developments, facing accidental capture by commercial fishing, and rising seawater temperatures. WWF-Australia is helping to support crucial research into helping green sea turtles survive climate change with the help of Aussie furniture company Koala and other marine life by protecting and restoring their beautiful habitats.

Australia’s biodiversity is unlike anywhere else in the world, but it’s under incredible threat. Too many iconic species are on the Endangered List. You can help change their future. Add your voice now and send a message to global leaders that nature and wildlife need urgent protection.

The Marna Banggara project is jointly funded through the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board, the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, the South Australian Department for Environment and Water, WWF-Australia and Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife. Other partners actively involved in developing and delivering the project include Regional Development Australia, South Australian Tourism Commission, Zoos SA, FAUNA Research Alliance, BirdLife Australia, Nature Conservation Society of SA, Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation, Primary Producers SA, Primary Industries and Regions SA, Conservation Volunteers Australia, Legatus Group, Yorke Peninsula Council, Yorke Peninsula Tourism and the Scientific Expedition Group.