25 June 2020


By Nicky Ison

Energy Transition Manager, WWF-Australia

The world is facing a once-in-a-lifetime challenge as we start to rebuild from COVID-19. But it could be Australia’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

At WWF-Australia we know there are good jobs ready to go in renewable energy and industries looking to future-proof their operations by lowering their climate pollution. That’s why we’ve launched a campaign for a Renewable Recovery.

We’re asking the Australian Federal Government to fund a $2 billion Renewable Recovery Package that will create 45,000 direct jobs and help unlock over 100,000 overall. However, we need your help to make this happen.

Here’s what you can do to make a Renewable Recovery a reality.

1. Spread the word

The number one thing you can do today is help people see how good this idea could be. And the good news is; the research shows us that people are on our side! They want to hear about this and see how it could work. 

Will you please get online and share our video, infographics and stories about the benefits of a Renewable Recovery with all your colleagues, friends and family and get them to spread the word too? You can share our video on Facebook at this link - or forward them an email saying you’ve just seen it and you think it looks great!

2. Contact Josh Frydenberg and your MP

As Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg is responsible for developing the federal government’s economic stimulus to respond to the current economic crisis. Will you call or email his office and ask him to prioritise a Renewable Recovery? You could also contact your federal MP.

Points you could make include:

  • Prioritising renewable-based stimulus measures will unlock tens of thousands of jobs in the short-term and set Australia up to become a renewable powerhouse in the future.
  • According to EY (formerly Ernst & Young) there are three times as many jobs in a Renewable Recovery than in a fossil fuel-based recovery.
  • You hope he will consider and adopt WWF’s Renewable Recovery Package that includes five costed stimulus measures - solar for community organisations, manufacturing of electric buses and batteries, modernising manufacturing with clean energy and accelerating renewable hydrogen.

Josh Frydenberg’s contact details:

  • Email: Josh.Frydenberg.MP@aph.gov.au
  • Ministerial office phone number: (02) 6277 7340
  • Ministerial office address: PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600

3. Help recruit a business champion

From installing solar panels, to purchasing renewable energy, manufacturing clean energy equipment to providing financial, technical or legal advice to projects, businesses both big and small have a role to play in making Australia a renewable powerhouse.  

In the US and Europe we’re also seeing companies step up and use their influence to champion a Renewable Recovery. We want to see companies in Australia do this too. Already companies like Unilever and Australian Ethical Investment have joined the call, but that’s not enough. Will you help us recruit a new business champion to the Renewable Recovery Campaign?

Perhaps you work for a small business, or a large company - you could contact your manager, the head of government relations, the CEO or the sustainability manager and send them WWF’s renewable stimulus campaign information asking them to publicly call for a Renewable Recovery.

If you don’t work at a company, have a think about the businesses you engage with every day - your bank or the local supermarket - you could contact them and ask them to publicly call for a Renewable Recovery.

For businesses interested in championing a Renewable Recovery please contact WWF at partnerships@wwf.org.au.

4. Donate

WWF-Australia has big plans for our Renewable Recovery campaign and making these plans a reality takes funding. With your help we can: 

  • Tell the story of what a Renewable Recovery could mean for Australia to thousands of our fellow citizens; 
  • Fund further research to make the case for investment in renewables;
  • Advocate for investment in renewables from governments across the country;
  • Work with partners to roll out renewable projects in Australian communities.