6 Oct 2020


Nicky Ison - Energy Transition Manager - WWF-Australia

In June this year, WWF launched its Renewable Recovery campaign. A campaign to ensure that as we emerge from the COVID-19 health crisis, over 100,000 new jobs are created by growing Australia’s renewable and clean energy industries. We worked with leading consultancy EY to produce a report that outlined the economic opportunity of a Renewable Recovery, developed a $2 billion Renewable Recovery package and have worked with companies across Australia to advocate for renewable stimulus measures.

Help Regenerate Australia as we emerge from the twin disasters of 2020 by making a donation to our Renewables Nation campaign today. Your generous support will supercharge our plan to future-proof Australia for people and nature.

In the last three months, it has been gratifying to see state governments increasingly step up to lead a Renewable Recovery.

Here are a few of the campaign wins so far:

  • The WA Government announced $56 million local solar stimulus (July) $13 million Battery manufacturing boost and $22 million investment in renewable hydrogen (August)
Federal Government invests in hydrogen export hub
© WWF-Australia
  • The NSW Government announced the acceleration of huge Renewable Energy Zone in New England, $37 million for Big battery projects (August) and plans to make Newcastle and Port Kembler renewable hydrogen hubs (September)
#RenewableRecovery Campaign win NSW
© WWF-Australia
  • The Qld Govt announces $145 million funding for three new Renewable Energy Corridors (August), and $17 million for a new renewable energy training centre (June) and $500 million publicly owned Renewable Energy Fund (September)
#RenewableRecovery Campaign win QLD
© WWF-Australia
#RenewableRecovery Campaign win QLD
© WWF-Australia
  • The Victorian Government announced plans to secure at least 600MWs of renewables to power trains, schools and hospitals to help drive the state’s economic recovery (September)
#RenewableRecovery Campaign win VIC
© WWF-Australia
  • The federal government announces #RenewableRecovery investments in a hydrogen export hub, renewable and battery storage micro-grids for remote areas and millions to fund a program to support community organisations to lower their energy bills (September).
Federal Government invests in hydrogen export hub
© WWF-Australia
Battery storage micro-grids announced for remote areas
© WWF-Australia
Program announced to support community organisations to lower energy bills
© WWF-Australia
  • Federal government commits funding to support clean energy technologies to be made in Australia Manufacturing clean energy technologies like batteries and electric buses announced as a top government priority Australia can be a renewable export powerhouse – making things, using them and exporting them to the world all with affordable & reliable renewable energy (October).

We’re so excited to see what comes next as Australia becomes a renewable energy powerhouse!