31 July 2014


If you told me 25 years ago that I’d be working as a ranger with the Gudjuda Reference Group – I wouldn’t have believed you.

My life – and our community - was very different then. As an 18-year-old, I had just had my daughter Michaela and was busy learning how to be a mum. But as my daughter grew older, I realised I didn’t have many qualifications, and I just wasn’t sure what job I would be good at. I worked a few different jobs – but nothing that really made me happy.

To tell you the truth, when I was younger, I felt a bit lost. I’m also very shy, which makes things harder. But the one thing I did know was that I wasn’t afraid of hard work. I’m quite strong – that’s why when it comes time to moving house my friends always call me to do the heavy lifting! I can also be a bit of a tom-boy - I love getting my hands dirty, doing manual labour and gardening. So when a friend recommended I go for this ranger job, I jumped at the chance, working really hard on the job application. I was quite nervous - but I got it!

In this job, I do something I love, plus I connect back with my Aboriginal heritage.

By Tracey Solomon, Ranger,

Gudjuda Reference Group