9 July 2019


Did you know these super-cool shades once started life as a deadly gill net, tangling thousands of marine animals every year? This net was retired thanks to generous donations by many of our awesome supporters, if enough pairs are sold, it will be shredded down, melted and then recast as new sunglasses!

But the back story’s not all that makes these sunnies stand out. When you order your pair today, you can choose an imprinted design of one of the species you’re helping to protect. That’s right, you get to choose your very own species ‘spirit-animal’ printed on the arm of your sunnies. 

But how to decide which species to pick? We’ve made it easy with this quiz below to help determine if you’re a turtle-y awesome turtle, destined to be dolphin, determined to be a dugong, hanging out to be a hammerhead shark, or sorted as a sawfish.  

Already know which animal you identify with? Or want no animal at all?

It’s Friday night, you’re out on the town and your stomach is growling? What’s your go-to food?

a) Sponge cake

b) Fisherman’s seafood basket

c) Green salad


e) Prawn cocktail

It’s summer, you’re hitting the beach and your fave activity is to…?

a) Swim and swim and swim and… 

b) Play in the waves with your friends

c) Stay in the shallows where it’s nice and warm

d) Keep an eye out for any unattended food

e) Lie in the sand and keep a low profile

How do you think other people see you?

a) An old soul with a love of travel

b) Fun-loving, free spirit

c) The mermaid-type

d) The dangerous kind (but really, you’re not out to hurt people)

e) The quiet introvert 

When you see your reflection in a shop window, what do you see?

a) A few wrinkles here and there, but who’s counting?

b) A sleek, curved body

c) A beautiful big nose

d) You see everything, everywhere, all around you, is that food?

e) A lotta teeth

It’s Saturday night, it’s late, real late, and you’ve found yourself at a karaoke bar. What’s your song of choice?

a) “Turtle Eclipse Of The Heart” - Bonnie Tyler

b) “Fin-esse” - Bruno Mars and Cardi B.

c) “Dugong And Broke My Heart” 

d) “Baby Shark (do-do-do-do-do-do-do)” - Pinkfong

e) “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” - George Michael

Your results...

If you chose mostly a) then you are a turtle at heart.

A green turtle (Chelonia mydas) having a rest at Lighthouse Bommie= Great Barrier Reef
© Mike Ball Dive Expeditions / WWF-Aus

You just love to swim and swim and swim. You very rarely come to shore, but when you do it’s a beautiful sight to behold. Your gorgeous shell protects you from predators and if you stay away from gill nets and ocean plastics, it’s likely you’ll live to a grand old age. You should consider a turtle-y awesome pair of ReefCycle sunnies with the turtle image and show off your turtle tendencies.

If you chose mostly b) you’re destined to be a dolphin.

Dolphin in water. Photo by Louan García on Unsplash

You love to swim and play in the water and you’re also highly intelligent. You mostly communicate to friends and family through a series of whistles and clicks. Sadly, because inshore dolphins live, eat, and play close to the coastline, many dolphins find themselves trapped in commercial gill nets like the one WWF-Australia supporters fundraised for and removed from the water. You should consider a dynamic dolphin image on your ReefCycle sunnies to show off the dolphin spirit that hides within you.

If you chose mostly c) we’ve determined you’re a dugong.

A dugong (Dugong dugon) swimming in the sea
A dugong (Dugong dugon) swimming in the sea © istockphoto.com / WWF

You live for clean eating and you’re a proud vegetarian - preferring your favourite dish of seagrass above all else. You’re mostly found swimming in warm, shallow coastal waters. Don’t be put off by their big noses and bulk, dugongs are the OG mermaid! The mermaid myth comes from sailors spotting these mellow marine mammals out in the water and mistaking them for salacious sea sirens. Give a shout out to ReefCycle sunnies and get your dugong-themed pair today. 

If you chose mostly d) it’s hammerhead time!

A large= great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran)= about 4m in length= cruising
© naturepl.com / Alex Mustard / WWF

Always on the hunt for an easy meal? Always got your eye on the last left-over? Maybe snag a treat when there’s free food in the office kitchen? Then the spirit of the hammerhead is within you. The hammerhead’s unique head allows them to thoroughly scan the ocean for food, and increased sensitivity in the head makes it easier for them to find their favourite meal of stingrays while they hide in the sand. While mostly harmless to humans, prey like fish and squid should watch out. Unfortunately, super sight isn’t enough to stop hammerheads getting caught in gill nets like the one used to make ReefCycle sunnies. Show off your super sight with your very own hammerhead branded ReefCycle sunnies.  

If you chose mostly e), you’re a stealthy sawfish.

Sawfish (Pristidae) underwater with close up detail of mouth and saw
Sawfish (Pristidae) underwater with close up detail of mouth and saw © Shutterstock / Andrea Izzotti / WWF

Your friends sometimes struggle to get in touch with you, maybe you’re busy, maybe you’re lying at the bottom of a shallow muddy river - either way, no one can resist your big charming, toothy smile. You’re a pretty chill kind of person, but when challenged, you release your rapier-like temper and aren’t afraid to do battle. You prefer the finer things to eat, with your favourite meal being the crab and shrimp you crushed yourself using your ‘saw-like’ snout and then ate whole. Sadly, sawfish often find their long noses, or ‘rostrum’ tangled in commercial gill nets. Thankfully the gill net that made ReefCycles is long gone from the ocean and is making a difference as upcycled sunnies. Grab your pair of stunning sawfish sunnies today and get back to stealthing like a pro. 

Now you know who you are, surely you need to dress appropriately. You’d look great in a pair of ReefCycle sunnies. These limited edition sunglasses come imprinted with your matching persona - a turtle, dolphin, dugong, hammerhead shark or sawfish.