Juvenile eastern quolls, Mole Creek, Tasmania, 2017


Wild About Babies will bring an adorable array of baby animals to Yarra’s Edge, River Esplanade Melbourne Docklands and the Perth Cultural Centre.

Designed by artists Gillie & Marc, Wild About Babies will raise awareness for vulnerable species everywhere.

In collaboration with WWF-Australia, your donation will help protect our precious wildlife from the threats pushing them to extinction. WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. In Australia, WWF has launched a bold program of action to Regenerate Australia. Regenerate Australia aims to rehabilitate and restore wildlife and habitats and future-proof Australia against climate disasters. Nature needs your help more than ever. Please make a tax deductible gift today.

Koala lays on hospital bed under general anesthetic


could help increase capacity of wildlife hospitals so more injured animals survive.

An AirSeed Technologies drone that can plant up to 40 000 seeds a day


could help replant large areas of forest using innovative drone seeding technology.



which could help plant more trees, creating more precious homes for thousands of native animals.

Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in a tree


will provide ongoing maintenance, equipment and labour to allow the regenerated habitat to flourish.

About WWF

WWF has been a leading voice for nature for 60 years with a mission to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. This work has never been more important. Our world is changing rapidly. Biodiversity loss is accelerating, our global ecological footprint is growing and the climate crisis is impacting on people and places like never before. The momentum for change is growing. Saving wildlife is at the heart of the WWF mission. Over the years they have been an integral part of many successful projects that have pulled species back from the brink of extinction. From the black rhino in southern Africa to black bucks in the Himalayas, WWF has been able to develop recovery methods that work with nature and local communities. WWF-Australia has launched a bold program of action to Regenerate Australia. This means re-imagining how to solve problems at scale to repopulate, rehabilitate and restore wildlife and habitats, and future-proof Australia against climate disasters. As part of this, WWF-Australia is working towards planting and protecting 2 billion trees, doubling wild koala numbers on Australia’s east coast, finding solutions for long-term climate adaptation and helping transition Australia to be a renewables export powerhouse. We need to find long-term solutions and take action at scale. And we can’t do that alone. Everyone has a role to play as we work to Regenerate Australia.

WWF and Gillie and Marc partnership logo