Take action now to create a thriving Reef free from commercial gill nets.


The Australian and Queensland Governments have released a plan to phase out commercial gill nets from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. 

More than 60% of this area is open to commercial gill net fishing and these nets entangle and kill countless fish, turtles, sharks, dolphins and dugongs.

Sign the petition to show your support for a Reef free from commercial gill netting.

The Great Barrier Reef is the heart of Queensland. Its waters are home to thousands of animals, including iconic turtles and clownfish, majestic whales, gentle dugongs, and more.

It’s also a bustling centre for people too. Thousands of Australian businesses and communities along the coast rely on a healthy and vibrant Reef. It’s a playground for recreational fishers, a wonderland for tourism, and a birthplace of songs, storylines and customs for Traditional Custodians.

When the Reef thrives, so do we.

However, there are increasing pressures on the Reef from climate change, water pollution and commercial gill net fishing. Despite the Reef being a World Heritage Listed site, more than 60% is still open to commercial gill net fishing. These gill nets are up to 600 metres long and trap more than just the fish they’re intended to catch.

Removing commercial gill nets from the Great Barrier Reef could help:

  • Safeguard over 60,000 jobs and the $6.4 billion tourism industry.
  • Increase the size and abundance of fish prized by fishers.
  • Encourage commercial fishing to transition to sustainable methods, which will help safeguard future economic opportunities. 
  • Preserve sacred Sea Country cared for by Traditional Custodians.
  • Protect the homes of endangered wildlife, including dugongs and sea turtles.

A Net-Free Reef will protect so much more than just our precious marine animals. It will also support the people and communities along Queensland’s coast who rely on a healthy and vibrant Reef.

The Australian and Queensland Governments have announced a plan to phase out commercial gill nets from the Reef. We urgently need you to show support for a Net-Free Reef to ensure they turn intention into action. Add your name to the petition to create a Reef free from nets.

Because a thriving Reef is one free from commercial gill nets.


The Australian and Queensland Governments have released a plan to phase out commercial gill nets from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. 

More than 60% of this area is open to commercial gill net fishing and these nets entangle and kill countless fish, turtles, sharks, dolphins and dugongs.

Sign the petition to show your support for a Reef free from commercial gill netting.

The Great Barrier Reef is the heart of Queensland. Its waters are home to thousands of animals, including iconic turtles and clownfish, majestic whales, gentle dugongs, and more.

It’s also a bustling centre for people too. Thousands of Australian businesses and communities along the coast rely on a healthy and vibrant Reef. It’s a playground for recreational fishers, a wonderland for tourism, and a birthplace of songs, storylines and customs for Traditional Custodians.

When the Reef thrives, so do we.

However, there are increasing pressures on the Reef from climate change, water pollution and commercial gill net fishing. Despite the Reef being a World Heritage Listed site, more than 60% is still open to commercial gill net fishing. These gill nets are up to 600 metres long and trap more than just the fish they’re intended to catch.

Removing commercial gill nets from the Great Barrier Reef could help:

  • Safeguard over 60,000 jobs and the $6.4 billion tourism industry.
  • Increase the size and abundance of fish prized by fishers.
  • Encourage commercial fishing to transition to sustainable methods, which will help safeguard future economic opportunities. 
  • Preserve sacred Sea Country cared for by Traditional Custodians.
  • Protect the homes of endangered wildlife, including dugongs and sea turtles.

A Net-Free Reef will protect so much more than just our precious marine animals. It will also support the people and communities along Queensland’s coast who rely on a healthy and vibrant Reef.

The Australian and Queensland Governments have announced a plan to phase out commercial gill nets from the Reef. We urgently need you to show support for a Net-Free Reef to ensure they turn intention into action. Add your name to the petition to create a Reef free from nets.

Because a thriving Reef is one free from commercial gill nets.

Leonie Sii (WWF-Australia's Content Producer) and Abigail Sexton (WWF-Australia's Senior Engagement Manager) holding what was the last full-time commercial net retrieved from Princess Charlotte Bay in Far North Queensland.

The net was purchased after a successful Net-Free North campaign and appeal, with the help of WWF-Australia's supporters donating to help buy the net.
The last full-time commercial net retrieved from Princess Charlotte Bay in Far North Queensland. The net was purchased after a successful Net-Free North campaign and appeal, with the help of WWF-Australia's supporters donating to help buy the net. © WWF-Australia / Julie Chaise

We bought the net!

For years, we've been advocating to ban commercial gill nets. In 2022, we bought and removed a fourth commercial fishing licence from the northern Great Barrier Reef – creating an area the size of Tasmania as a haven for marine wildlife. 

With 90-95% of the far northern Great Barrier Reef now net-free, we're well on our way to creating a #NetFreeReef.

ReefCycle sustainable sunglasses

Introducing ReefCycle

A gill net WWF-Australia supporters helped to remove from the northern Great Barrier Reef has been upcycled into sustainable sunglasses through collaboration with Arise Collective. Buy your pair of ReefCycle sunglasses today to help support WWF’s work protecting our oceans.

Order your pair today
A variety of fish swimming= Osprey Reef= Coral Sea
© Darren Jew

Donate to protect our oceans

Help save our marine life

Your generous support today will help make the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area free from commercial gill nets - protecting our previous marine wildlife and supporting people, livelihoods and entire communities up and down the coast.

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