Crystal globe resting on moss in a forest
© Shutterstock / Romolo Tavani / WWF

15 Nov 2017


WWF-Australia has stepped up its commitment to greenhouse gas reduction by going carbon-neutral under the Australian Government’s Carbon Neutral Program.

Carbon Neutral Certification logo
Carbon Neutral Certification logo © WWF-Australia

“It is a significant step for WWF-Australia. We are walking the talk on greenhouse gas reduction, and meeting the high standard our supporters expect of us” says Dermot O’Gorman, CEO of WWF-Australia.

Being 100% carbon-neutral means WWF-Australia has invested in the environment an amount that is equal to what we have taken from it. Offsetting our emissions enables WWF-Australia to support development projects that align with our values for environmental and social responsibility.

WWF-Australia decided in 2015 to go “carbon-neutral” under the Australian Government’s Carbon Neutral Program and National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS), a voluntary standardand best practice guide on how to measure, reduce, offset report and audit emissions that occur as a result of the organisation’s Australian operations.

“Our certification follows several years of improvements in our energy use and efficiency, including staff initiatives such as ‘no-fly January’” says Dermot O’Gorman.

“Our first priority is to reduce our contribution to greenhouse gases. WWF-Australia is taking the extra step of offsetting our remaining carbon-generating activities by supporting development projects under The Gold Standard for Global Goals. These projects were established by WWF in 2003. They protect our climate and benefit local communities” says Dermot O’Gorman.

The Gold Standard is widely considered to be the highest standard in the world for carbon offsets.

WWF-Australia’s first Public Disclosure Statement  for 2016 prepared under the Program was independently audited by Pangolin Associates, and offsets were purchased through Carbon Neutral.

More than 30 organisations across Australia have now been certified carbon-neutral under the Program; more than seven million tonnes of carbon emissions have been offset thanks to certifications to date, the equivalent of taking 2 million cars off the road for a year.

WWF-Australia media contact:

Senior Manager News and Public Affairs Paula Kruger 0407 067 303