Industrial solar power station
© Shutterstock / ktksrh / WWF

28 Sept 2022


The World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia welcomes Queensland’s energy and jobs plan as a once-in-a-century investment to make the state a global renewable energy superpower.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk today announced the roadmap for Queensland’s energy system over the next decade, including a plan to unlock $62 billion in investment for renewables, a more ambitious target of 70% renewable energy by 2032, and a commitment to decarbonise the Queensland energy grid by 90% by 2035.

“Queensland has all the ingredients to become a renewable energy export superpower and now it has a serious plan to unlock this opportunity," said WWF-Australia CEO Dermot O'Gorman.

“The improved renewable energy targets for 70% by 2032 and 80% 2035 will create greater business certainty for more investment in renewables and help to produce tens of thousands of new jobs for Queenslanders."

“This will maximise Queensland’s potential to create long-term jobs in the clean industries of the future in regional areas such as Gladstone and Townsville. These communities can continue to drive Queensland’s energy industries, making clean commodities that the world needs like renewable hydrogen, electorysers, wind farm components and batteries."

“The eyes of the world will be fixed on Brisbane when it hosts the 2032 Olympic Games. For Queensland to win the race to be a renewable energy exporting superpower we have to do the hard yards now."

“While the gold medal for Queensland is a decarbonised energy system with tens of thousands of new clean industry jobs, it is the state’s potential to be a tipping point for global net-zero emissions before 2050 that is priceless."

“Queensland has a once-in-a-century chance to be a world leader in renewable energy and climate action.”

Research conducted by Accenture, commissioned by the Queensland Conservation Council, Australian Conservation Foundation and WWF-Australia, showed that Queensland can at least halve its domestic carbon emissions this decade and create 87,000 new jobs across new industries by harnessing its abundant renewable energy resources.

While welcoming today’s plan, Mr O’Gorman urged the Queensland Government to seize this unique moment to increase the speed and scale of its energy transformation.

“It’s vital that Queensland continue to look for opportunities to increase the pace of the renewables roll and that should be a key focus of the newly appointed Queensland Energy Security Advisory Board. Despite its natural advantages, Queensland is trailing behind states like NSW and Victoria with its emission reduction target,” said Mr O’Gorman.

“Early spending will be the biggest enabler and help attract the investment that Queensland needs to decarbonise its electricity grid."

“Rapidly accelerating renewables, backed by massive storage, technology and investment will bring cheaper energy prices and greater energy independence. We look forward to supporting the government in executing the energy transformation in a way that will benefit our environment, communities, and economy."

“Shifting from coal dependence to cheaper, cleaner renewables and storage will drive down emissions and people’s cost of living, and give natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef the best chance of survival.”