Aerial view of Hardy Reef on the Great Barrier Reef

14 Feb 2024


Queensland has delivered a Valentine’s Day gift to people and nature with the introduction of new laws to raise the state’s emissions reduction targets, said WWF-Australia.

Premier Steven Miles today introduced the Clean Economy Jobs Bill 2024 to lock in an emissions reduction target of 75% below 2005 levels by 2035.

WWF-Australia CEO, Dermot O’Gorman said legislating a strong emissions target will help protect Queensland’s natural treasures and way of life.

“Acting on climate change is crucial for the safety and security of people and nature,” said Mr O’Gorman.

“We’ve seen how extreme weather events like cyclones, megafires, floods and heatwaves are threatening Queensland’s way of life and natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef.

“Climate change makes these events more intense and more damaging. If emissions keep rising, climate damages will continue to get more extreme.  

“That’s why locking in strong emissions reduction targets is so important. It will help lower climate-related costs and give the Great Barrier Reef a fighting chance.

“Without a prudent, sensible climate policy response like this, the climate costs to Queenslanders will continue to escalate in the form of storm damage, dangerous bushfires and rising insurance premiums.”

Mr O’Gorman said today’s Bill would also be a boon for the Queensland economy.

“Queensland has so much to lose from inaction on climate and so much to gain as the world decarbonises,” he said.

“Delivery of this emissions target will unlock clean jobs, clean industries and opportunities in regional Queensland. This is something that all sides of politics should support.

“However, 75% must be the floor, not the ceiling of Queensland’s ambition.

“The target is still too low for what the climate science shows is needed to give us the best chance at avoiding escalating extreme weather and climate damage costs. Australia and all states and territories need to aim for 90% below 2005 by 2035 as the minimum, and ideally net zero by 2035.

“The Clean Economy Jobs Bill 2024 also needs to include a ratchet-up mechanism to increase the 2030 target over this decade as new opportunities to decarbonise faster are unlocked. 

“Faster action is achievable with Queensland’s amazing sun and wind resources. This would set the sunshine state on the path to an even brighter future and help us to Regenerate Nature by 2030.”