12 Sept 2022


URGENT: Over 2,000 Aussie animals and plants are at risk of extinction. Send a message to your local member of parliament, calling for stronger nature laws and adequate funding to protect threatened wildlife and the places they call home.

The spotted-tailed quoll, a largely nocturnal and solitary mammal, makes its home in eastern Australia, and while they might look cute - and they are - there’s more to them than that.

Here are five things you might not know about the spotted-tailed quoll.

1. They’re known as tiger quolls.

Spotted-tailed quoll also known as a tiger quoll on a log
Spotted-tailed quoll also known as a tiger quoll on a log © Craig - stock.adobe.com

Despite having spots and not stripes, the spotted-tailed quoll is also called the tiger quoll. Which makes you wonder, why are the black and white stripes on roads called zebra crossings and not cheetah crossings?

2. They’re small, but their kids are smaller.

When spotted-tailed quolls give birth, their offspring are about the size of a grain of rice. These minuscule pups will then grow to about 2kg to 4kg, depending on their gender, by the time they reach adulthood. Talk about a growth spurt!

3. They pack a strong bite.

Spotted-tail quoll or tiger quoll bite
© Shutterstock / Craig Dingle / WWF

Not that you’d want to be bitten by any animal, but the spotted-tailed quoll boasts one of the strongest bites of any predatory mammal in the world. In fact, they come in second, beaten only by a close relative, Australia’s Tasmanian devil. Ouch!

4. They’re the last of a dying breed.

While there used to be more, due to landclearing and a growing population, among other things, the spotted-tailed quoll is now the largest remaining carnivorous marsupial on the Australian mainland.

5. They like to travel.

The spotted-tailed quoll has a large home range and can cover large distances every night. Some have even been known to travel over 6km in a single night.

Australia’s small, bouncy and mighty ecosystem engineers like bettongs, bandicoots and potoroos urgently need your help to survive. Please act quickly - because it won’t be Australia without them. Make a donation to help bring back the bounce.