26 May 2021


As we're burning the Country, we're healing it. - Uncle Warren Foster

Join us in a WWF-Australia first as we mark National Sorry Day and National Reconcilliation week with this inspiring video featuring Bega LALC Ranger Chris Hoskins and Firesticks' Knowledge Holder Uncle Warren Foster.

The environmental mismanagement of traditional lands is two and a half centuries old, and a consequence of Aboriginal dispossession. In this video, we listen to the knowledge of these vital voices in Indigenous conservation, and learn how cultural burning returns much more than traditional bushfire prevention to Country.

You can find out more about how WWF-Australia works to support respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples:

Gudjuda ranger Tracey Solomon, drawing turtle figure on sand, Alva Beach, North Queensland
Turtle etching being drawn on a beach © WWF-Aus / Kerry Trapnell
Celebrating 10 years of partnership with the Girringun Aboriginal Corporation
Celebrating 10 years of partnership with the Girringun Aboriginal Corporation © Girringun Aboriginal Corporation
Monica Edgar Yawuru Country Manager - fire photos

Contact Lwolley@wwf.org.au for usage permissions and more information 

2020 - but exact date unknown.
Monica Edgar Yawuru Country Manager - fire photos © Monica Edgar Yawuru Country Manager