Greater Glider in a Tree Hollow


The future of vulnerable animals like the greater glider is hanging in the balance. Our nature laws are failing to protect them and they are losing their homes at an alarming rate.

You can provide an urgent lifeline today - and save them from disappearing forever.

The future of animals like the Endangered greater glider is in the balance

Too many Aussie species are suffering the impacts of deforestation, relentless logging, and climate change. They desperately need your help to survive.

The need to act couldn’t be more urgent. Just recently, bulldozers moved into Tallaganda State Forest to begin logging trees. This area is one of the last remaining strongholds for the greater glider – an area critical for the survival of this species.

While our nature laws remain weak, the destruction of their homes will continue.

Yet there is hope. In fact, this is a critical moment in time that could finally change the future for our Aussie wildlife.

For the first time in 20 years, Australian nature laws are being re-written. It’s a GOLDEN chance to start reversing the wrongs of the past – to throw endangered animals a lifeline. To give them a safe future.

Will you please give today to help protect Australian threatened species, like the greater glider?

The greater glider is edging closer to extinction while the trees they depend on are destroyed.

Loopholes in current laws enable the destruction of their forests. These laws are not only failing us - but also our iconic creatures who are already at breaking point.

Your support today can help keep pressure on government to protect threatened species like greater gliders for the long-term. You can also support on-ground actions like custom nest boxes and food tree restoration, throwing them the lifeline they need to hold on.

They don’t have time to wait

Your gift today can give our threatened species a much-needed lifeline.

Aerial of logging koala habitat in Lower Bucca State Forest, NSW


could help keep pressure on the government to ensure stronger nature laws that prevent unsustainable logging.

Dr Kita Ashman from WWF-Australia with a greater glider nest box in Tallaganda National Park, NSW


could deliver practical on-the-ground solutions like food tree restoration and custom nest boxes, to provide greater gliders with shelter and a safe space to breed.

Preparing to fit a greater glider with a GPS collar


could help with ongoing monitoring and research to ensure the greater gliders continued protection and inform future conservation action.

Anke Seidlitz testing remote sensor cameras at Perth Zoo, Western Australia, July 2017.
Anke is a PhD student, working with WWF-Australia and the WA Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) to learn more about the distribution and abundance of numbats in the Upper Warren region.


could support critical conservation research to help inform nature policy reform.

Unless we act together now, more of the animals we love will be gone.

Lost forever.