Aluminium cans at a recycling plant, UK
Aluminium cans at a recycling plant, UK © Global Warming Images / WWF


As consumers, we're a pretty wasteful lot. Consider how many times you’ve bought more than you need, then tossed half of it in your rubbish bin.

Now imagine everyone else doing this, in households across Australia. That's an awful lot of garbage that goes into landfill and, from there, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. And that's not to mention the rubbish that ends up in our waterways and oceans, where it does untold harm to our marine life. You can help address this problem by adopting the mantra: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. With a little more thought, we can all change our habits so that we throw out less garbage. It's as easy as developing a few new practices - when shopping and in the kitchen - and very soon it becomes second nature. And Mother Nature will thank you for it.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Infographic
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Infographic © WWF-Australia