The way we eat has a massive impact on the planet. It's not just about the enormous amount of food we consume but how much of that food we waste. By 2050 our global population of 9 billion will need twice as much food as we do today.

Producing, distributing, storing and cooking food uses energy, and water. Each of these processes emits greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Then we go on to waste an alarming 30% of the food we buy and what ends up in creates further greenhouse gases. But, simple changes to your everyday can make a huge impact to our planet:


Did you know that beef has the largest environmental footprint of all popular meats? The greenhouse gas emissions from ‘cow burps’ and landclearing have a significant impact on our planet. By simply reducing the amount of red meat you eat to no more than three palm sized portions a week you can help combat climate change, water pollution and deforestation.


95% of Australia’s sugar is grown along the Great Barrier Reef’s coast. Sadly, the impacts of some cane farms are anything but sweet. Polluted run-off from sugar cane farms can weaken reefs and encourage coral-eating crown of thorns starfish. By looking for the Bonsucro logo when doing your next food shop, you can help ensure the sugar you buy is more responsibly grown and keep our Great Barrier Reef healthy.


Over 90% per cent of popular wild seafood, like tuna and cod, are either fully fished or overfished. But if you choose carefully, you can still enjoy your favourite seafood while ensuring there are enough fish in our oceans for the future. On your next food shop look for seafood products that have the blue Marine Stewardship Council label or the green Aquaculture Stewardship Council label to ensure they are sustainable sourced.

Palm oil

Palm oil is in everything from bread to ice cream, but growing it irresponsibly can devastate forests and wildlife. The good news is, by making the right choices when you shop you can help protect the places that wildlife, like orangutans, call home. Before buying your favourite products check they contain sustainable palm oil certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. Use WWF’s scorecard to see which brands are taking the right action or falling short.

Food Waste Infographic
Food Waste Infographic © WWF-Australia