15 Dec 2023


The World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia today congratulated Steven Miles on becoming Queensland Premier and welcomed that he will set a new 2035 emissions reduction target of 75% below 2005 levels.  

Previously the sunshine state’s ambition on emissions reduction – 30% below 2005 by 2030 – was one of the worst in the nation.

“In one of his first acts, Steven Miles has moved Queensland from the outhouse to the penthouse on its emissions reduction target,” said Rachel Lowry, Acting CEO of WWF-Australia.

“Increasing temperatures will challenge Queensland’s way of life and threaten the existence of our amazing natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef.

“But a strong emissions target will help protect our natural treasures and way of life, lower climate-related costs, and give a fighting chance to efforts to Regenerate Nature by 2030.

“It’s major progress for Queensland and a step towards helping Australia fulfill our legal obligations to hold warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius under the Paris Agreement and the World Heritage Convention.   

“But 75% must be a floor, not a ceiling. It must be legislated, with a ratchet-up mechanism to increase it over this decade as new opportunities to decarbonise faster are unlocked. 

“WWF is calling on all Queenslanders, and all sides of politics, to support this new 2035 target as a good starting point, and call for more ambition, to protect our way of life.

“The target is below what the climate science shows is necessary. Australia and all States and Territories should be aiming for 90% below 2005 by 2035 as the absolute minimum, and ideally net zero by 2035.

“This is achievable with our amazing sunshine and wind resources, creating clean jobs, supporting new clean industries, and protecting the places we love including the Great Barrier Reef,” Ms Lowry said.