Take action now to prevent the extinction of unique Australian animals like koalas, eastern quolls, and green sea turtles. Your tax-deductible donation can help restore their habitats, protect them from predators, and ensure their survival in the face of climate change. Donate to an Australian registered charity today and make a difference!

You can give koalas, green sea turtles and eastern quolls a new chance of survival with a donation today.

East coast koalas, green sea turtles and eastern quolls all have one tragic thing in common. Their survival hangs in the balance.

Listed as ENDANGERED, these unique Australian animals are in serious danger of disappearing forever. Becoming EXTINCT.

Their THREE main threats? Habitat loss, introduced predators and climate change.

All of these are human-made problems, and right now, we have a rare chance to turn things around. But with these defenceless animals in a desperate fight for their lives, the time is NOW.

Don't let the koala, eastern quoll and green sea turtle disappear forever.  

Please make your tax-deductible charity donation today. You’ll be giving these unique species the chance to survive and thrive into the future.

You could be the difference between extinction and survival for the east coast koala, green sea turtle and eastern quoll.

Take action now to prevent the extinction of unique Australian animals like koalas, eastern quolls, and green sea turtles. Your tax-deductible donation can help restore their habitats, protect them from predators, and ensure their survival in the face of climate change. Donate to an Australian registered charity today and make a difference!

You can give koalas, green sea turtles and eastern quolls a new chance of survival with a donation today.

East coast koalas, green sea turtles and eastern quolls all have one tragic thing in common. Their survival hangs in the balance.

Listed as ENDANGERED, these unique Australian animals are in serious danger of disappearing forever. Becoming EXTINCT.

Their THREE main threats? Habitat loss, introduced predators and climate change.

All of these are human-made problems, and right now, we have a rare chance to turn things around. But with these defenceless animals in a desperate fight for their lives, the time is NOW.

Don't let the koala, eastern quoll and green sea turtle disappear forever.  

Please make your tax-deductible charity donation today. You’ll be giving these unique species the chance to survive and thrive into the future.

You could be the difference between extinction and survival for the east coast koala, green sea turtle and eastern quoll.

Please give a tax-deductible donation today

A koala on a property at Swan Bay. A team of tree planters from Bangalow Koalas, East Coast Bush Regeneration, Minyumai IPA Rangers and WWF-Australia planted more than 2000 koala food trees and 1500 wildlife corridor trees on the property in the Richmond Valley to support a small koala colony.


could help plant 100,000 native trees to create a wildlife corridor, providing vital food and shelter for koalas.

Rewilding Australia and WWF-Australia are supporting Wildlife Sanctuaries in Tasmania – Devils@Cradle and Trowunna Wildlife Park – to expand their captive breeding program for eastern quolls.


could help reintroduce eastern quolls to a newly-built fenced safe haven in a NSW national park, entirely protected from introduced predators.

Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchling breaking out of its egg


could help cool the sand at key green sea turtle nesting sites to improve breeding success.

Rob Brewster (Rewilding Program Manager, WWF-Australia) installs a camera trap.
WWF-Australia is installing camera traps on Mt Talaterang to find out if foxes and cats have found a way to get up onto this plateau, or if it is feral-free. If the site is feral-free or has low numbers, it could be used as a site to breed threatened mammals.


could help give all three animals a fighting chance by purchasing vital equipment to monitor the ongoing progress of these life-saving projects.

Three animals on the brink. Please help save them from extinction.

Here’s how your support today can help these species survive.

Plant more trees to save koalas

Human activity for urbanisation and agriculture has destroyed native forests. Forced to spend more time on the ground, koalas are instantly vulnerable to injury and animal attacks. It means that east coast koala numbers have dropped by half in just two decades. That’s a shockingly fast decline. To give the koala a fighting chance, your support today can help plant and maintain 100,000 trees in critical koala country. The growth of food and habitat will help double their numbers on the east coast by 2050.

Reverse the extinction of the eastern quoll

Introduced foxes and cats have hunted these beautiful native animals to extinction on mainland Australia. And there are now only an estimated 10,000 left in Tasmania. We have the chance to reintroduce eastern quolls from Tasmania back to the mainland where they once thrived, in Booderee National Park, on NSW’s South Coast. Your support can help build and maintain a predator- proof fenced safe haven for the eastern quoll. It’s a first vital step to re-establishing the eastern quoll in the wild and saving it from extinction.

Boost the breeding success of green sea turtles

The temperature of the sand surrounding green sea turtle eggs determines their sex. However, global heating and rising sand temperatures have led to an alarming trend. Up to 99% of northern Great Barrier Reef green sea turtles have hatched female over the last two decades. Your donation today will help cool the sand with seawater at key green sea turtle nesting beaches, to help produce more male hatchlings. It’s a simple and smart solution to ensure a safe future for the green sea turtle. Please help shape the future where endangered species can once again thrive.

Your kind and generous donation is your chance to make a huge impact for the animals you care about.

Soon these animals could be relegated to history books. We haven’t seen the last of the east coast koala, eastern quoll or green sea turtle. But we will if we don’t act now. Please donate today to help give unique Aussie animals the chance to survive and thrive into the future. Please don’t wait. Stop extinction in its tracks. Donate now.

For more information read our guide to tax-deductible donations to Australian charities.

*You may be eligible for a tax-deduction for your donation over $2. The above figures are based on the Australian Taxation Office 2023/24 Income Tax Rates (excluding the Medicare levy). The exact level of your tax-deductibility may vary depending on your individual financial circumstances. Amounts shown above are only a guide – you should seek assistance from a taxation professional for formal guidelines.