Donating to charity during the End of Financial Year (EOFY) period is a popular way to make a positive impact whilst reducing your taxable income. Your donation during the EOFY period can result in money back in your pocket in July.

Discover how you can make a positive contribution and give native animals like koalas, platypus, and glossy black cockatoos, shelter, food, protection – and hope for survival. Please use our calculator to estimate your deductions.

Donate to WWF-Australia before June 30 and claim a tax deduction when submitting your tax return this financial year.

Your support is critical to the survival of threatened wildlife who are running out of trees and time.

Tree-clearing is robbing the animals you love of their homes, food and safety. Your tax-deductible donation will give native animals shelter, food, protection – and hope for survival.

Koalas, black cockatoos, and platypus are amazing animals that only live in Australia. But bulldozers are destroying the trees they desperately need to survive.

Our beautiful native species urgently need your help. Please make your urgent tax-deductible donation today and help save threatened wildlife - before it's too late.

Koalas are Australian icons that belong in our gum trees. Yet every day on our east coast, more of the eucalypt forests that are vital for koala habitat and koala food are torn down. Koalas that survive the bulldozers are often killed by predators and cars when they’re forced to move across the ground to find food and shelter. They are dying horribly – and dying out. Glossy black cockatoos are cheeky birds who love to make a noise. They rely on big, old eucalypt trees to build their nests in, and they forage for food in casuarina (or she-oak) trees. Sadly their vital habitats are being cleared at a terrifying rate and their distinctive cries are falling silent across eastern Australia.     Platypus are rare, elusive mammals who might live in rivers, but they still need trees. River red gums help stabilise the riverbanks where platypus burrow to breed, rest and escape predators. Tree-clearing is destroying platypus habitat, causing soil erosion, reducing water quality and food supply. Sadly, this means there are less baby platypus each year.

Your donation can help save beautiful Australian animals from extinction, as well as support other vital conservation efforts. Please make a tax-deductible donation before 30 June.

All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. If you would prefer to donate over the phone or have any questions, please call us on 1800 032 551.

3 Easy Steps To Make A Tax-Deductible Donation

Step 1 - Make your tax-deductible charity donation

Donating online is quick and easy via the WWF Tax Appeal, or you can choose to donate over the phone.

Step 2 - Keep your receipt.

You should keep a record of any tax-deductible gifts you have donated during the financial year.

Step 3 - Claim your tax deduction

You can claim your deduction when you lodge your tax return from 1 July.

Why make a tax-deductible donation to WWF-Australia this year?



could help fund seeds and drone technology to plant trees.

Community Tree Planting at Cook Reserve Ruse= Campelltown


could help push for lasting protection for remaining trees and forests.

Koala taking refuge on a power pole= southeast Queensland


could help campaign for stronger nature laws to stop the destruction of animals’ homes.

Close up of a platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) bill


could help protect native species and support other critical conservation efforts for threatened animals and their homes around the world.