8 Nov 2021
Australia and WWF have launched a new nature-based solutions program to tackle climate change in the Indo-Pacific.
Climate Resilient by Nature, backed with an initial $9.5 million investment from Australia, will support community-led, nature-based solutions to address climate change, protect ecosystems and diversify livelihoods in the Indo-Pacific.
A key element of this will be the establishment of the program’s Indo-Pacific Knowledge Hub, which will foster links between practitioners and the financial sector to deliver nature-based solutions.
Australia’s Ambassador for the Environment, Jamie Isbister officially launched Climate Resilient by Nature on Nature Day at COP26 in Glasgow, Saturday 6 November.
“We have a huge opportunity through Climate Resilient by Nature. We know that healthy ecosystems can help protect against disasters, provide livelihood opportunities and sequester vast amounts of carbon,” said Ambassador Isbister.
“The program significantly expands Australia’s work on nature-based solutions. We are taking the lead from local communities, using Indigenous knowledge and science, and sharing that with the private sector through the program’s new Indo-Pacific Knowledge Hub. This collaboration will create high integrity carbon offset opportunities.”
PNG’s Minister for Environment, Conservation & Climate Change, the Hon. Wera Mori, WWF’s Global Leader of Climate & Energy, Mr Manuel Pulgar-Vidal and IUCN’s Global Director of Global Marine and Polar Programmes, Ms Minna Epps, also spoke at the event in Glasgow.
Minister Mori spoke about the importance of preserving forest and ocean ecosystems to help the global fight against climate change.
“PNG is banning logging by 2030 and planting 10 million trees in the next decade. But we need access to global funds to do this.”
The World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia is backing the initiative with $3.4 million of in-kind contributions and by drawing on its extensive networks and expertise partnering with indigenous people and local communities in the Indo-Pacific region.
Climate Resilient by Nature will support Australian NGOs and their local partners to deliver activities in the Pacific, as well as expand existing projects from WWF and Live & Learn.
Dermot O’Gorman, WWF-Australia CEO, said “Nature-based Solutions are about working hand-in-hand with communities to protect and restore the ecosystems they depend on for their livelihoods and also help tackle climate change."
“A community-led rehabilitated mangrove forest can store carbon, limit storm surge impacts, and provide important spawning grounds for fish and invertebrates crucial to food and income security across the Indo-Pacific."
“Within the world’s largest ocean, with amazing reefs, seagrass, forests and mangroves, this region has a higher ratio of carbon sequestration potential per capita than any other of comparable size."
“WWF is excited to be a part of this initiative to empower Pacific communities to sustainably manage and restore these critical ecosystems,” he said.
For further information, go to www.climateresilientbynature.com/