7 Sept 2023
On National Threatened Species day, let’s all take a moment to enjoy amazing video of one of the world’s largest gliding animals – Australia’s endangered greater glider.
It is challenging to capture gliding on film because this behaviour mostly happens at night as greater gliders move through the canopy feeding on eucalypt leaves.
Relying on such a low calorie diet, scientists believe gliding is a way for the species to conserve precious energy.
The stunning sequences were recorded by Conservation Biologist Ana Gracanin over the last two years at private properties along the south coast of New South Wales near Braidwood and at Monga National Park.
Ms Gracanin even managed to video a mother gliding with a joey clinging on while also gliding.
“Greater gliders have declined by up to 80% in some places. That’s one of the steepest declines of any Australian mammal and without serious action they could be gone before most people even know they exist,” said Rachel Lowry, chief conservation officer for the World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia.
Last year Australia, along with other nations, pledged to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. The federal government also set a goal to prevent any new extinctions of Australian wildlife.
“The recent destruction in Tallaganda State Forest of more than 1800 hectares of prime greater glider habitat – the equivalent of 2508 rugby league fields – is a blow to both of those stated aims,” Ms Lowry said.
“We need permanent protection for Tallaganda State Forest and stronger environment laws to prevent any further mass destruction of threatened species habitat in Australia,” she said.
To find out more go to: https://wwf.org.au/get-involved/help-save-greater-gliders/