1 Aug 2023


URGENT: Over 2,000 Aussie animals and plants are at risk of extinction. Send a message to your local member of parliament, calling for stronger nature laws and adequate funding to protect threatened wildlife and the places they call home.

Trees are the lungs of our planet. They provide food and shelter for our wildlife and protect us from some of the worst impacts of climate change. But with more than 300,000 trees bulldozed every day in Australia alone, it’s not hard to see why the threat of climate change continues to grow. But what can we, as individuals, do to reverse this loss of nature and combat climate change? What can we do when our forests need our help? We can all start today. Here are 10 steps we can take in our journey toward securing a healthy future for people and nature.

1. Sign the petition to save our trees

WWF has a mission to take Australia from a deforestation hot spot to a leader in tree protection and restoration to benefit our health, communities, climate, wildlife, and planet. But to do this, we need your help.

Sign the petition today to email your government to demand action and save our trees and save our future.

2. Get educated

It’s not only trees we’re trying to save, it’s the diversity of life that relies on them for food and shelter. To gain a better understanding of why it’s so important we protect them, educate yourselves on why we need to save trees in Australia.

The more people who show their support for trees, the better. Raise awareness by educating friends, family and your community about the threat Australian nature is facing, and encourage them to take action too. This blog is a great place to start.

3. Plant native trees

Do you have a backyard or balcony? Why not plant some native trees? You could attract some local bees and wildlife, and your garden will look even better than it does already. Check out this article to find out which plants are native to your area.

Koala release in Emmaville NSW
Koala release in Emmaville NSW (1000px) © WWF-Aus / Adam Krowitz

4. Support local forest conservation organisations

Want to find a way of taking time out for nature that’s both fun and rewarding? Support local conservation organisations and look out for community tree planting events. These groups work tirelessly in the hopes of stemming the tide of climate change and mass extinction and rely on volunteers and donations. If you have the time and/or resources, supporting these awesome organisations is a great way to help! Check out this great organisation for starters!

5. Learn about the importance of forests

Forests play a critical role in sustaining life on Earth. It might be known as the blue planet, but without the green, we simply wouldn’t be here. Educate yourself and others on the importance of forests. Here’s a fact to get you started: Did you know human health is inextricably linked to forest health? When we clear forests, it forces wildlife to leave their habitat and venture into suburban areas. The possibility of wildlife-human contact increases as the animals search for new homes, so the risk of transferring infection and disease rises. This is just one of the many reasons we need to protect trees. Learn more about the importance of forests here.

6. Reduce your plastic use

Whether you use a reusable bag for your shopping, carry around a KeepCup, or even avoid buying things with too much plastic packaging, reducing your plastic use has enormous benefits for the environment. Every action you take helps reduce the terrifying 130,000 tonnes of plastic that finds its way into Australian waterways and oceans every year. Here are some other ways to reduce your plastic use.

7. Recycle responsibly

There’s more to recycling than putting paper in one bin and plastic in another. If you really want to be a recycling superstar, don’t just throw out your old electronics, donate them to schools, sell them on a digital marketplace or drop them off at designated e-waste sites set up by your local council. You can also recycle old medication, furniture and paint. Check out this link to learn more: Recycle Responsibly

Wombat and her joey on Maria Island, Tasmania
Wombat and her joey on Maria Island, Tasmania © Lauren Simmonds

8. Keep it clean

We all know the saying ‘Take only photos, leave only footprints’. It’s a beautiful saying, making it an even more salient reminder to respect and honour the beautiful forests we’re fortunate enough to have access to. So, next time you’re exploring our beautiful forests, remember to leave no trace behind.

9. Return to nature

Spending time in forests can have beneficial effects on both your physical and mental well-being. It can also foster empathy for the environment. Plus, it’s beautiful, educational and fun. What more can you ask for!? Here are 10 of our favourite must-see nature spots around Australia to add to your next road trip.

10. Take a moment

With the continued destruction of our forests and the devastating loss of biodiversity it causes, it can sometimes feel a little overwhelming. Taking some time out in nature can encourage mindfulness, improve our well-being and allow us time to reflect on the incredible things nature provides us. And remember, nature, too, needs a break from time to time.